Although living in beautiful Colorado has its perks, it also has its own set of challenges, one of the most troublesome for homeowners being the formation of ice dams. These icy formations can cause severe structural issues, and it’s crucial to be aware of the telltale signs and take preventative measures.
What Are Ice Dams?
Ice dams are ridges of ice that build up at the lower edge of your roof, where the warm attic meets the cold eaves. Snow melting on the upper part of the roof surface due to warmer outdoor temperatures results in water flowing down and refreezing at the colder eaves, forming a dam that traps additional water. This trapped water can then seep under your shingles and into your attic, causing a variety of potential issues.
Warning Signs of Ice Dam Formation:
- Icicles hanging from your roof eaves: While icicles themselves aren’t always a bad sign, large ice buildup on roofs can indicate ice damming.
- Water stains or leaks in your attic or ceiling: This is a major red flag, as it indicates that water is already seeping into your home most likely causing severe water damage. If you leave this for too long, you are at risk of mold growth.
- Blistering or peeling roof shingles: The trapped water under your shingles can cause them to lift and buckle, making them susceptible to further damage.
- Increased energy bills: Ice dams can act as insulation on your roof, forcing your heating system to work harder and driving up your energy costs.
Preventing Ice Dams:
- Proper insulation and attic ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation in your attic space to prevent heat buildup and melting snow.
- Insulate your attic: Adding insulation to your attic floor will help keep the roof deck cold, preventing snowmelt and severe structural damage.
- Install roof heat cables: These cables run along the eaves and melt the snow before it has a chance to form ice dams.
- Regular snow removal from your roof edge: Regularly remove snow from your roof, especially after heavy snowfalls, to prevent it from melting and refreezing.
- Hire a professional: If you suspect you have ice dams, it’s best to call one of our professional roofers to safely remove them and assess any damage.
Pinnacle Roofing Is Here to Help:
At Pinnacle Roofing, we understand the challenges that ice dams can pose to Colorado homeowners. We offer a variety of ice dam prevention and removal services, including:
- Roof inspection and repairs: We can assess your roof and recommend the best permanent solutions.
- Safe and effective ice dam removal: Our experienced team can safely remove ice dams from your roof without damaging your shingles.
Contact Pinnacle Roofing today if you have concerns about ice dams on your roof!
Remember: Early detection and preventative measures are key to preventing ice dam damage. By taking the necessary steps, you can ensure your roof and home stay safe and sound throughout the winter season.